• Meowgical cats
  • Purrfect gameplay
  • Pawtastic
Adopting a cat can be a rewarding and life-changing experience, but there are a few things you should know before bringing that purr-fect companion home.
Adopting a Cat: Everything You Need to Know

Adopting a Cat: Everything You Need to Know

Are you ready to welcome a fluffy bundle of joy into your home? Adopting a cat can be a rewarding and life-changing experience, but there are a few things you should know before bringing that purr-fect companion home. 

Whether you're already a cat parent or a first-time adopter, here's a complete guide to make your feline adoption journey as smooth as a cat's glide across the kitchen floor.

1. Choosing the Right Cat

When it comes to adopting a cat, it's essential to find one that matches your lifestyle. Cats, much like people, have distinct personalities. 

Do you envision cozy evenings with a cuddly lap cat, or are you dreaming of an energetic kitten zooming around your home? Perhaps you prefer an independent feline who appreciates solitude.

Visit local shelters or rescue organizations and spend time with different cats. Ask the staff about each cat’s personality and history. Older cats often come with established temperaments, making it easier to predict their behavior in your home. 

Kittens are adorable and full of energy, but they require more time and patience for training. Think about your daily routine and how much time you can dedicate to your new furry friend. 

Remember, a cat's personality is just as important as their appearance, so choose a companion that fits your lifestyle and energy level.

2. Preparing Your Space

Before your new furry friend arrives, make sure your home is cat-ready. 

Here’s a checklist to get you started:

  • Litter box. Choose a litter box that's the right size for your cat. Place it in a quiet, accessible location. Cats are modest creatures and appreciate their privacy. If you have multiple floors, consider having a litter box on each level to make it easy for your cat to find one when needed.

  • Food and water bowls. Opt for stainless steel or ceramic to avoid any allergic reactions and ensure easy cleaning. Place the food and water bowls in a quiet, low-traffic area where your cat can eat and drink in peace.

  • Scratching posts. Save your furniture by providing designated scratching spots. Cats need to scratch to keep their claws healthy and to mark their territory. Offer a variety of scratching surfaces, such as vertical posts, horizontal pads, and incline scratchers, to see what your cat prefers.

  • Toys. Keep your cat entertained with a variety of toys – from feather wands to crinkly balls. Interactive toys can stimulate your cat's mind and keep them physically active. Rotate the toys regularly to maintain their interest.

  • Safe spaces. Create cozy spots where your cat can hide and feel secure. Cats love to have nooks and crannies where they can retreat when they need some alone time. Consider adding cat trees, shelves, or even simple cardboard boxes to give them plenty of options.

preparing your space for the cat

3. Health and Nutrition

Cats are masters of disguise, especially when it comes to hiding illnesses. Schedule a vet visit soon after adoption to ensure your new friend is in tip-top shape. 

Discuss vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and any specific dietary needs. High-quality cat food is essential for a healthy coat and happy tummy.

Look for foods that list meat as the first ingredient and avoid fillers like corn and soy. And don't forget the water – hydration is key! 

Provide fresh water daily, and consider a cat fountain if your feline prefers running water.

Regular vet check-ups are crucial for your cat's long-term health. Cats can suffer from dental issues, so ask your vet about tooth care. 

Flea prevention, deworming, and regular grooming are also important aspects of keeping your cat healthy. 

Keep an eye on your cat's weight, as obesity can lead to various health problems.

4. Socialization and Training

Despite their reputation for independence, cats can be trained and socialized. Spend time bonding with your new pet, using gentle reinforcement techniques.

Positive reinforcement with treats and praise works wonders. Teach them basic commands like "sit" and "come," and use a scratching post to deter unwanted clawing. 

Patience and consistency are your best friends here.

Socialization is especially important for kittens, but adult cats can benefit too. Expose your cat to different people, environments, and other pets gradually. 

Use toys and treats to create positive associations. If your cat seems fearful or aggressive, give them space and try again later. 

Remember, every cat is unique, so tailor your approach to their personality and comfort level.

socialization and training of the cat

5. Understanding Cat Behavior

Cats communicate through a combination of meows, purrs, and body language. Learning to read their signals will help you understand their needs and build a strong bond:

  • Purring. Generally a sign of contentment, but can also indicate that your cat is in pain or feeling anxious. Pay attention to the context and other behaviors.

  • Meowing. Cats meow to communicate with humans. Each cat has its own repertoire of sounds, which can mean anything from "feed me" to "let's play." Spend time learning what your cat's meows mean.

  • Hissing or growling. Indicates fear or aggression – give them space. If your cat hisses or growls frequently, try to identify the trigger and address it.

  • Tail language. A raised tail means a happy cat, while a tucked tail signals anxiety. A twitching tail can indicate excitement or irritation. Watch how your cat uses its tail in different situations to understand their emotions better.

  • Body posture. A relaxed cat will have a loose, comfortable posture, while an anxious or threatened cat may crouch with their ears flattened and fur standing on end.

Recognizing these cues will help you build a strong bond and create a harmonious home environment.

6. The Commitment

Adopting a cat is a long-term commitment. Cats can live up to 15-20 years, so be prepared for the journey ahead. Ensure you have the time, resources, and dedication to provide a loving and stable home for your feline friend.

Consider the costs of cat ownership, including food, litter, toys, and vet care. Unexpected medical expenses can arise, so it's wise to have a financial cushion. Think about your lifestyle and future plans – will you be able to care for your cat if you move, change jobs, or have children?

Cats thrive on routine, so consistency in feeding, playtime, and social interactions is important. Make sure all family members are on board with the decision to adopt and are committed to providing care and love. 

Adopting a cat is not just about finding a pet – it’s about adding a new member to your family.

Adopting a Cat on Token Tails

Adopting a virtual cat on Token Tails can be a rewarding and life-changing experience in both the virtual and real world. Not only will you have fun playing the game, but the money you spend on the game will be distributed to real cat shelters, helping those felines-in-need live a better and more joyful life.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Explore the virtual shelter. Token Tails offers a virtual NFT cat shelter where players can interact with and select from a variety of virtual cats. This immersive environment mimics a real shelter, providing an engaging experience.

  2. Choosing your purr-fect companion. Players can choose from several generated cats, each with unique personalities and abilities. Some cats are linked to real shelter cats, offering a meaningful connection between the virtual and real world.

  3. The adoption process. The adoption process involves catching a virtual cat in a playful field of running cats. Once caught, players can purchase the cat as an NFT, unlocking additional gameplay features.

  4. Caring for your virtual cat. Players must maintain their virtual pet’s energy, joy, cleanliness, and socialization through regular activities like feeding, grooming, and playing. Play the game every day consistently to earn points for taking care of your cat and win a share of the $TAILS airdrop.

  5. Making a real-world impact. Token Tails uses in-game commissions to support real shelter cats, enhancing their wellbeing. This unique approach allows players to make a meaningful difference while enjoying the game.

Sounds interesting? Join and be active on our Discord, Telegram, follow us on X, and join the Zealy sprints and community events for a chance to win Early-Access.

token tails cat


Adopting a cat is a joyous and fulfilling experience. With the right preparation, understanding, and commitment, you'll be well on your way to a lifetime of purrs, head-butts, and kitty snuggles.

Now, the only thing you need to decide is whether you have the time, resources, and attention for a real cat or is a virtual Token Tails cat a better option for your lifestyle.

60 Paws